Top 10k strings from Wari (1984)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(16k).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2  Explanation 
   1 scoring-pitsend are called the"scoring-pits"."
   1 Press any key to return...
   1 Press any key to continue...Y5
   1 Press any key to continue...
   1 Press "B" to see the board
   1 A$="Press any key to continue...":
   1 A$="Do you want the intro. again ?":
   1 ;"WARI-I":
   1 ;" PLAYER 1";
   1 '''"Wari is perhaps the oldest game in the world."'''"It is known to have been played in Egypt more than 3000 years   ago, and it is  still played"'"all over Africa and in the West Indies."
   1 '''"   HOW TO PLAY"
   1 ''"There are very many regional"'"forms of the game and it is"'"implemented here in 2, 3 and 4  player versions."'"If you wish to change the rules,feel free, the program structureshould make it easy to build in new variations."
   1 ''"The rules for the 3 & 4 player  games are identical - except"'"that in the 3 player game, the  stones are captured in an anti- clockwise direction since there is (obviously) no opposite side of the board."''"If this sounds very complicated,don't worry - it's easy when youstart playing... honest!"
   1 ''"  THE BOARD"
   1 '"The game ends when all 6 pits onone side of the board are empty.The winner is the player who hasmost stones in all their pits,  (not just the scoring-pit!)."
   1 '"The 2 player board consists of  14 ""pits""."''"Those at each end are called the""scoring-pits""."''"At the start of the game stones,(counters), are placed in each  of the 6 pits along each side,  the number of stones depending  on the skill of the players."
   1 '"If the last stone lands in the  player's own scoring-pit, they  get another turn."
   1 '"If the last stone lands in an"'"empty pit on the player's side  of the board then that stone"'"together with all of the stones in the corresponding pit on the opposite side of the board are"'"placed in the player's"'"scoring-pit."
   1 '"Enter (capital) ""Q"" to quit at  any time."
   1 '"Each player in turn selects one of their pits from which all thestones are removed and placed,  one in each pit,around the boardin an anti-clockwise direction."
   1 '"Do not be deceived into thinkingthat WARI is a simple game, it  has been established a LONG timeand the strategies for winning  can be complex."
   1 "8000"+JUMP
   1 "26";"by DD"
   1 "24";"STONES";
   1 "23";"PLAYER 2"
   1 "2";"STONES";
   1  or   "C" to continueZ
   1  W  A  R  I
   1  General Prompt 
   1  (also known as Mancala)"